I have this camera, and I know all about it, except for one feature: shutter speed. I know you can manually change it up to 15 seconds, but how? Thanks.|||The older A series of cameras were better in some ways because they had full manual controls, which allowed you to select your preferred shutter speed and/or aperture.
The newer models don%26#039;t allow this, but do offer a %26#039;Long Shutter Mode%26#039; of between 1-15 seconds.
Simply look up...%26#039;Long Shutter Mode%26#039; in the Index of your User Guide and it will direct you to the appropriate page.
edit...the manual does give VERY clear instructions. Just turn to page 88 and follow what it says. If you cannot access Long Shutter mode while in Auto, turn the dial to P (Program AE) instead.
But, if that doesn%26#039;t help...you may first have to turn the Long Shutter option to ON in the Shooting Menu if your camera has it (the manual is not 100% clear on this). Press the Menu and scroll down in Shooting mode (but not while in Auto).|||I bet the manual would give you step by step instructions.