I know that on Tv mode [shutter speed priority] you can change the shutter speed [ps; what setting would be a faster speed?] and on Av [aperture priority] you can change the f/stop. Are there any other functions [P, perhaps] that these settings can be changed?
Hmm, also, I would like to know how to take a picture where the background is blurry and the subject is focused -- can someone explain that to me?
Suggested links/book reads are appreciated.
Canon S3 IS -- changing shutter speeds and aperture value? umm...i'm a beginner?
OMG. Were do I start? For the burry background and in focus subject. Set the aperture to a small number (the smaller the number the larger the aperture, the number is actually the ratio of how many circles the size of the aperture it is from the lens to the focal plane) and set the shutter speed to the correct exposure. The larger the aperture (smaller number) the shallower your field of focus, a portrait with fuzzy background. The smaller the aperture the greater the field of focus, like in a landscape photo. Use the M setting just remember to used the light meter. For trickier shot like a bright background or sunlight thru a window meter off a Gray card (all meters read 18% medium gray so you buy a large piece of cardboard that is 18% med gray and set your exposure off that card).
Canon S3 IS -- changing shutter speeds and aperture value? umm...i'm a beginner?
remember this before photographing anything. a BIG aperture is actually referring to a small number ie f/2.8,f/4.0etc. a SMALL aperture means a bigger number ie f/22,f/16,f/8 etc.
so to photograph a flower for instance on macro shot, set your aperture at f/2.8 and you will get a blurry background. set it to f/8 and up you will have varying degrees of sharpness of the background. practice practice practice.
i'm not sure about the canon, but to change most digital apertures, you turn the dial to A and half depress your shutter button and turn your front dial (should be in front of shutter button) until f/2.8 for example comes up on your screen. hope this helps, your manual will tell you where things are on your camera, or type in on your search engine, aperture, there are some great sites that simplify things.