How do you change the shutter speed on a canon powershot 990?
Try reading the manual. If you're camera has a mode dial, set it to either S or M mode. If your camera doesnt have a mode dial, try finding it in the camera's menus. If you can't find it, it means your camera is a point-and-shoot model that doesn't let you override the settings. Again, consult the user manual, or call Canon's hotline.
How do you change the shutter speed on a canon powershot 990?
The SD990 IS (Ixus 980 IS) is Canon's very first Ixus model to feature aperture and shutter priority modes. To access these modes, you need to turn the Mode dial to M, because you cannot access these functions while in Auto.
Turn to pages 89-90 of your User Guide...'Setting the Shutter Speed and Aperture' to see how it's done.