Samsung Sl 202 Shutter Speed, LIGHT PAINTING?
Instead of asking the same question several times, wouldn't it be easier to just read the manual?
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Samsung Sl 202 Shutter Speed, LIGHT PAINTING?
It seems that you did not do the research on what exactly light painting is and what controls you will need your camera to have to be able to create such images.
Light painting takes long exposures, usually longer than one minute. This can only be accomplished using a camera that has the bulb option to make long exposures.
Since a quick look at your camera indicates that the longest exposure is 15 seconds and you would have to be able to tell the camera you want its shutter speed to be that long.
Your camera has the longest shutter speed of 15 seconds. Not nearly long enough to do any serious light painting or light graffiti.
This is the process for shooting light graffiti or paint with light.
Mount your camera on tripod.
Shoot at night with the light out.
Set your camera to bulb
Using a remote shutter release, open the shutter for at least a few minutes or long enough to complete your painting with light project