i have a z1015 IS kodak. i know they can change i kind of know how.
i just don't get the differences and what the ISO does and eveyrthing, it's for a project where i have to take 3 pictures with 3 different shutter speeds. and 3 with 3 different apertures.
please help.
thanks =D
How do you change the Aperture and Shutter speed settings on my camera?
According to the review information at the above website, you camera has shutter and aperture priority and you can also change ISO.
ISO is how sensitive you want the sensor to be. It is like turning up the volume on a stereo receiver. The higher the volume, the more background noise you hear with no music playing. The higher the ISO the more sensitive the sensor is to light, but the more noise or grainyness in the photograph.
If you set your camera to shutter priority, then you can change your shutter speed to the 3 different settings. The camera will automatically change the aperature for correct exposure. So you get 3 different shutter speeds, with 3 different aperatures.
It helps to read the manual.
The above site goes into ISO, aperture, and shutter speed
How do you change the Aperture and Shutter speed settings on my camera?
I don't think Kodaks have that kind of control.